Mainboard or motherboard could also be called as a user komputetr which is one of the major hardware in the form of artist board (board). And consists of a number of individual slots as a place to put up some other hardware components, especially such as Processor, Memory, or Hard disk. On this motherboard work system electronically and systematically. Typically, brand / quality of a motherboard is determine whether or not maximal workings of some other hardware, and of course it also greatly affect the level of employment kemaksimalan from a computer. Physical part of a Mainboard that glimpse can be caught by direct eye gaze is a slot / socket processor. This is the place to put / mendudukan processor on the motherboard, then comes the hook as a key so that the processor can cause the failure of computer operating system alias error. From the multimedia computer berdedar on the market, especially the Pentium II class computers or early generation Athlon, the socket is constantly evolving technological developments follow the progress of the processor. Until now, the type most widely used socket is LGA775 for Intel Pentium processor type FFSB 1066 MHz Core 2 Dou, or socket AM2 for AMD Athlon 64 x2 and Sempron.