Various external Dos commands

You must know the dos commands. for it in this post I will explain what dos external commands that I know of, the following are the various external dos commands
(Serves to see the condition of the storage media that we use)
Formula: CHKDSK [drive:]
If we run this program, will be shown, among others, the ability of the media storage capacity, number of files that exist, the number of regions that are still empty and volume. If there is a partition / disk tracks are faulty (usually referred to found a lost chain), the information is also displayed. To make improvements, you repeat the CHKDSK above but this time add to the syntax / F (or Fixed). Then will appear the message: Convert lost chains to files (Y / N) then answer Y. This program is intended to save the data residing on the partition / tracks are broken into single or multiple files (called FILE0001.CHK ff.) And placed on the partition / track is good, so you can access the data.
Information displayed CHKDSK in the first paragraph is the most important thing you notice, the order-order as follows:
• Row 1: The total capacity of the floppy or hard disk
• Row 2: The number of hidden files (if any)
• Row 3: The number of existing directories
• Row 4: number of files that exist
• Row 5: number of bytes of damaged (bad sectors) if found to exist
• Row 6: The number of remaining bytes that can be used.
If the line of the 2nd and the 5th is not found, then the number of rows there are only 4.
Starting at the DOS version 6, Microsoft bought a license from one PC-Tools utilities  and changed its name to ScanDisk, though still providing CHKDSK. The difference with the CHKDSK process is pengecekkan displayed on the monitor screen and the end user, ScanDisk will tell you the results of the examination in the statistical data that contains the physical condition of your floppy or hard disk (for example, whether or not the damage is found, then the file name detected damaged and successfully repaired).
(Copy the entire contents to the floppy diskette the exact same other)
Formula: diskcopy [source drive] [drive goal]
Example: diskcopy A: B:
After that will appear a message like the following:
Insert SOURCE diskette in drive A: (ie insert the source diskette in drive A)
Insert TARGET diskette in drive B: (meaning insert the target diskette in drive B)
Press anykey Pls ready ... (Meaning press any key to continue)
If the process runs smoothly pengcopyan diskette, a message appears:
Complete copy.
Copy another disk? (Y / N)?
So you have to do is:
• press Y to repeat the program again the process as above
• press N to terminate the command diskcopy and you will return to the DOS prompt.
The thing to remember is that this program only applies to a floppy disk with the capacity and size of the same media. The program does not work for this type of storage media other than floppy disks (eg hard disk, tape back-ups, data cartridge, CD-ROM, etc.).
There is a slight deficiency of this program, ie when the target diskette / target sectors are defective, DOS will not tell it to you (unless you are using MS-DOS  version 6 and above).
(Serves to make a track on a storage medium in order
The media can be enabled / used).
Formula: FORMAT [drive:] [/ S] [/ V] [/ Q] [/ U] [/ 4]
/ S include the DOS operating system on a formatted media
/ V to write the volume label name from the formatted media
/ Q format will be implemented more quickly (Quick format)
/ U to include this syntax, saving the image is ignored.
/ 4 floppy disk format 5.25 "360 KB on drive 5.25" 1.2 MB.
Example of use:
• FORMAT A: format a floppy disk in drive A is contained
• FORMAT A: / S to format a floppy disk in drive A the following operating systems
Please insert your floppy in drive A. Then type FORMAT and press Enter.
After the program readable format, it will display a message like below:
Insert new diskette for drive A:
Press Enter Pls ready .....
means the program to wait until we put the diskette in drive A media for the implementation of the program, followed by pressing Enter to run the program format. After that the formatting will appear as below:
• Head 0, Cylinder 1 ...... etc. (if using MS-DOS version 3.30)
Process will be completed if it has reached silender 79th.
• 1 percent complete ...... etc. (if using MS-DOS version 4.0 and above)
Process will be completed if it has reached 99 percent.
The process indicates that the format of the program is working to make tracks on your diskette. You need to know that from the MS-DOS version 5 upwards, DOS will create image files that can be used to restore the disk like a floppy disk before formatting conditions (The trick is to run the unformat command). But if you do not want to create image files, include syntax / U on the command Format).
Wait until the execution is completed diskette format. If the formatting process has been completed it will display the message: Format completed.
After that you will be asked to fill in the name of the (volume) to your floppy (at most 11 characters and there should be no punctuation such as dots or commas). After pressing Enter the statistical data is displayed to inform the contents of a floppy disk capacity, number of bytes used for the DOS system (if you format a floppy with the syntax / S), and the number of bytes of damaged (bad sectors) - if any!
In the last line message appears:
Another format? (Y / N)
which means the program asks whether the formatting process to be started again or not. If yes, press the letter Y and then repeat the same procedure as above. If not, press the letter N then use FORMAT program will be terminated and you return to the DOS prompt.
Conversely, if you can not be formatted diskette, DOS will display the message:
Track 0 bad disk or unuseable. Another format? (Y / N)
(Serves to display the label or change the name of the label on the disk).
Formula: LABEL [drive:]
Example: Type LABEL A: \ (Enter) then on the monitor screen will appear:
Volume in drive A is none
Volume Serial Number is 3F68-1AFF
Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)?

Volume in drive A is none indicates the media in the drive A has no label. Unless you've written here on behalf of the FORMAT command, the word "none" will be filled with your name.
Volume Serial Number is the serial number given by the computer.
Volume label is a line where you write the label name with a maximum length of 11 letters, then press Enter. Writing the name of the label should be on the same line, because you are no longer allowed to write the name of the label after pressing Enter. If it is you do, the program just assume you do not fill in the name of a label (No Label).
(Serves to transfer a file to another location is different).
Formula: MOVE [drive-1: filename] [drive-2: filename]
Syntax: / Y then display a confirmation is not displayed.
/-Y then display a confirmation will be displayed.

Became available since the version of MS-DOS 6.0. Serves only to move the file, unlike the COPY command functions.
Transferring files to drive A LATIHAN.DOC once changed his name to TUGAS.DOC
Programs other external commands (but will not be discussed here, given the limitations of the page and time of instruction) among others are:
In general use [command name] /? to display the help description (help). The display will be given in English. Example: COPY /? The COPY command will display an explanation

Social Networking (Facebook) Famous of All Time

Who is not familiar with Facebook, is one of the social networking site from the beginning of creation until now a well known and liked among adolescents. Facebook is a site that makes its creator get a huge profit. Until now no one can compete with Facebook. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his roommate and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.Keanggotaan web site was originally limited to Harvard students only, then expanded to other colleges in Boston, Ivy League, and Stanford University. This site is slowly opening up to students at other universities before it opened to high school students, and eventually to every person aged at least 13 years. January 2009 study puts social networking service Facebook as the most widely used according to monthly active users around the world, followed by MySpace. Entertainment Weekly put it in the list of "best" end of the decade with the comment, "How can we ex-lover stalking us, remember our colleague's birthday, interfere with our friends, and play a game of Scrabulous before Facebook was created?" Quantcast estimates that Facebook had 135.1 million visitors monthly in the U.S. in October 2010. According to Social Media Today in April 2010, estimated that 41.6% of Americans have a Facebook account.

Google display in the new year

There already are open google today? If not please google is open now and see what is interesting in view googlenya will display like this next picture. Besides it looks interesting, google it also can produce sounds that define music song merry christmas and new year. We can listen to his music when we click the colorful shaped swath under the picture.
Indeed we know that every commemorate something there will always be just interesting things that will google show for us and it's all intended to make us better enjoy our search that will find using google. And also according to the online article from one of the news sites in Indonesia where I am now saying is that google can also create animated snow on your computer if you type snow in google search engine. Indeed google is a search engine that creative, and able to make users comfortable with a google search everything is.

Apple will launch a TV-based voice control

This post is about a famous company 'success in the world of computers and smartphones that is Apple, a serious news on the internet right now is that Apple is very serious to work on the TV yag-based control with noise. Leader Apple has mentioned this by supporting companies that want to help kecangihan technological products that will launch it.
Some sources say that this product will be equipped with wireless technology to be able to access streaming television shows and other television content. Mungin Apple intends to change TV channels or search for programs by using their voice. There are also newspaper mabha warned it would take much longer to develop such prangkat. And the apple, did not immediately respond to it because the apple might still keep it quiet. It is also not known whether the TV voice-based control will incorporate features that are unregistered, the flagship application is buried in the iPhone 4S. of course, believe every Apple product enthusiast technology issued by American multinational companies must be harbored serita this new technology, so that later on when the launch of the users will be surprised and interested to buy it. And also certain this product will become famous and sell products in international market, we wait for further news from apple

Importance of Cache Memory

Cache Memory is another important part that can be encountered on board the motherboard. Serves as principal assistant (RAM) in running the computer's performance. Although limited in capacity, but has a high speed whose value was also more expensive than main memory. By arrangement works, this component is between main memory and processor registers.
Cache Memory itself, actually terbag into two types, depending on the position where we are. To Cache Memory which is located on the motherboard called the External Cache Memory or also known as the second lever (L2). The memory of this type certainly has a very high speed. Based on the existing default on the motherboard, External Cache Memory has a capacity range of 256 Kb, 512 Kb, 1 Mb, or even 2 MB. Then in addition to the motherboard, Cache Memory is also found in the processor or the so-called Internal Cache Memory. Internal Cache Memory has a speed much higher than the External Cache memory. And this new class processor found in the Pentium III and above. The higher the quality the Internal Cache Memory. A processor then the processor's performance will be the maximum anyway.